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 Nannochloropsis Oculata is a single-celled microalgae. Only 2-max 10µm "Large"

It contains a high concentration of OMEGA-3 (EPA and DHA), Omega 6 fatty acids and amino acids.


This highly nutrient-rich, single-celled microalgae is often used to grow zooplankton.

Small fish larvae are also raised using Nannochloropsis Oculata.

All corals and filter feeders appreciate this food source. Often you can see in a short time that the colors of the corals begin to shine.


Recommended dosage  50 - Max 100mL per 100L of water daily.


Danger!! If you feed a lot of phytoplankton in the aquarium, the Po4 and No3 values are reduced. (Food source for phytoplankton). Please check regularly


Phytoplankton can be kept in the refrigerator for 4-8 weeks. Shake a little every now and then so that the cells don't clump together.

We use f/2 fertilizer for breeding (available in the shop)

Nannochloropsis oculata

SKU: 1002
1 Liter
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