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Tetraselmis Suecica

Tetraselmis Suecica is a very small plankton species.

It is a perfect food for filter feeders such as gorgonians, soft corals, disk and crust anemones, leather corals, mussels and sponges.

Practically all zooplankton species can also be fed with it.

Furthermore, the plankton is characterized by its high lipid and EPA (Omega3) content

out of.

 Tetraselmis Suecica also has high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Due to the quite thin and soft cell wall, it is a top food and helper for fish and corals in the aquarium.


Recommended dosage  50 - Max 100mL per 100L of water daily.


Danger!! If you feed a lot of phytoplankton in the aquarium, the Po4 and No3 values (food source for the phytoplankton) are reduced. . Please check regularly


Tetraselmis Suecica can be kept in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks. Tetraselmis Suecica likes to settle. Shake vigorously every now and then to prevent the cells from clumping together.


We use f/2 fertilizer for breeding (available in the shop)

Tetraselmis suecica

SKU: 1004
1 Liter
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